I.T. & Customer Service QQI Level 4
Our course offers a QQI Level 4 I.T. & Customer Service qualification. It is ideal for anyone that would like to gain new skills or update their existing skills.
Modules Include:
Personal Effectiveness
Reception Skills
Business Calculations
Business English
General Office Skills
Customer Service
Work Experience
Computer Applications
Irish Sign Language
Wellness & Yoga
First Aid Responder
We are also very excited to announce that we will be providing certification in First Aid, Manual Handling & Fire Safety certification
We at WIN
our new activity room!
Where are we based?
We are located at the ReCreate Centre at Eason’s Hill Community Centre in Shandon.
Who can apply?
Anyone who is in receipt of a Department of Social Welfare payment.
How to apply?
We are still taking applications for our current course. Our next course will begin in Autumn 2021. Please contact us for more information or visit www.corkwin.com
Cork WIN places a huge emphasis on progression. We work closely with trainees and employers to assist progression onto employment. Many of our trainees have progressed onto full and part-time employment as a result of their work experience. Many others have returned to training and education.
QQI level 4 Office Skills

Contact Us Today
T : + 353 21 4228100
Education & Training Campus, Redemption Rd, Farranferris, Co.Cork, Ireland