Our Locations

Farranferris Campus

Surrounded by beautiful landscapes, Farranferris boasts a proud tradition in learning. Located in the old college of Farranferris, NCE offers a convenient location just 5 minutes from the city centre. Our vibrant campus is an excellent centre in which to develop new and existing enterprises which play host to a broad range of training opportunities. Our state of the art facilities include fully equipped kitchens, workshops, training rooms, childcare facilities, and coffee shop.

North Cathedral Visitor's Centre

The North Cathedral Visitor's Centre is home to NCE's Folklore Project. Here you can learn about the history of the Cathedral and surounding community through our interactive displays and guided tours. The Visitor's Centre also has a cafe supplied with fresh food from NCE's Bakery.

Recreate Centre Eason's Hill

Located at Eason's Hill in Shandon, the Recreate Centre is home to several training courses.




Contact Us Today

T : + 353 21 4228100

E : [email protected]

Education & Training Campus, Redemption Rd, Farranferris, Co.Cork, Ireland